I think we can all agree that social media has made a great impact on our lives, from the way we socialise and how we inform ourselves to the way we promote our business. It has both estranged us from some people who live close to us and brought us together with some people who live far away.
I'm sure most of you have had an oportunity to meet someone through Facebook or some other social media that you could connect on many levels, with whom you share interests, hobbies and/or political views. The fact that that person lives far from you and you haven't had a chance to meet in person didn't stop you from investing in friendship.
Carolyne's yarns |
I've met a few quite amazing individuals this way myself and Carolyne is one of them. We met trough Facebook couple of years ago. She lives in England, I live in Greece, but we have quite a few things in common, from the way we perceive life to the way we strive to explore our creativity.
Carolyne Rushton studied Textiles at Goldsmiths University in London. She spends most of her time outdoors, on her green lot, growing organic fruits and vegetables and defending her back garden from foxes (yes, there are foxes in London...). She uses those fruits and vegetables to make delicious chutney and sometimes she uses them to dye yarn and fabric, but more about it in another post. She is an amazing mom to her two daughters, an avid knitter and knows more about yarn and fabric dyeing techniques than any other person I know. I've been browsing trough her photos on Facebook and enjoying the explosion of color when an idea struck me to ask her if she would like to contribute to this blog and share her knowledge. She said yes and this is the first in the series of posts on this blog that will be featuring Carolyne's crafts. Enjoy!